The Daily Companion for the Sephardi Woman

Hallah Recipe


5lb. flour
3 tablespoons dry yeast
2 tablespoons and 3/4 cups sugar
3/4 cup vegetable oil
1 liter seltzer
2 cups lukewarm/hot water
6 eggs+1 egg for brushing over Hallah
1 tablespoon salt
non-stick cooking spray
Many Tefillot and an Open Heart

1. In a separate small bowl, combine yeast, 2 tablespoons sugar and 2 cups lukewarm water.
             Mix until fully dissolved.
             Cover bowl and wait about 10 minutes until mixture bubbles and rises.
**while you wait, you can sift the flour you wish to use for the Hallah if you have not already done so....

2. In another, larger bowl, add:
                  sifted  flour,           sugar,          salt
                  3 eggs- make sure to check them for blood spots!

3. Once the yeast mixture is ready, add it to the flour and begin to KNEAD!
Once you have mixed the contents until they are completely incorporated, gather the mixture into a pile and begin to pour in the seltzer little by little, kneading as you go along. (Save some room so that you will be able to add in the 3/4 cup vegetable oil as the last ingredient.)

To knead, grab dough and bring it to the middle and press it together. Then push down.

Fold over the edges of the dough into the middle, and push down again, rotating as you go along.

Add the oil.

Continue the kneading process until dough becomes smooth and almost rubbery. This takes a good amount of time....and strength. Don't be afraid to use your hands! It usually helps to spray your palms with non-stick cooking spray so the dough doesn't stick to your hands.

4. DAVEN, DAVEN, DAVEN to HaShem for anything on your heart. Also daven that the Hallah should come out beautiful and full of berakha.

     Don't forget to declare that this Hallah is being made Likhvod Shabbat Kodesh, in honor of Shabbat :)

5. When you feel that the dough is ready (it should be smooth and firm, a little 'rubbery'), cover it and let it rise for an hour or two.

6. You are now prepared to do the most beautiful and holy part of the Missvah: Hafrashat Halla!

**here is a wonderful link with the proper berakhot and procedure on how to do Hafrashat Hallah

Make the Berakha: 'Barukh ata Ado-nai E-lohenu Melekh ha'Olam, asher Kideshanu be'Missvotav ve'Sivanu le'Hafrish Hallah Terumah'

Tear off a piece of the dough and declare: 'Harei zo Hallah', 'This is Hallah'
       this piece must be either burnt or covered in two layers and discarded.

to learn why we do Hafrashat Hallah, visit http://www.secretofchallah.com/50708/Hafrashat-Challah

7. Take the remainder of the dough and spread it out, stretching it into a long unit.
       Cut into desired number of Hallahs (usually 8)
       Cut each of these into 3 sections
       Roll out each segment into smooth equal parts and....
      Place Hallahs in a pan sprayed with cooking oil spray.
      Let rise for another hour or two.

8. After, whisk an egg in a bowl (don't forget to check for blood!) and brush over the Hallahs.

Bake Hallahs in oven at 350 F for about an hour, using your judgement and preference when to take it out.

BH I hope you enjoy this recipe and that HaKadosh Barukh Hu will deliver an abundance of blessing to you and your family in zekhut of making Hallah. May all our Tefillot be answered letova ule'berakha!

Shabbat Shalom uMevorakh!

MidrESHET Hayil