The Daily Companion for the Sephardi Woman

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

A Few Halakhot Closer to Becoming an Eshet Hayil

15 Sivan 5773

Shabbat Kodesh Parashat BeHaalotekha

Hadlakat Nerot NY 7:56pm
Mossai Shabbat 9:04pm
Rabbenu Tam 9:27pm

9. Women also make the Berakhah on trees during the month of Nisan when they see two blossoming fruit trees with flowers.

For a Devar Torah on the Parashah, please visit www.flyingsoul-o.com

Have a wonderful beautiful uplifting enjoyable Shabbat Shalom uMevorakh!

19 Sivan 5773

10. There are those who say that Birkat HaHamah (Blessing on the Sun) is obligatory for women and there are others who dont hold like this. Therefore, the proper thing to do would be for the women to stand separately next to the group of men who are making the Berakhah and to listen to the Hazan/Shaliah Sibour make the Berakhah.

20 Sivan 5773


1. (part a) A woman who prayed Shaharit is exempt from praying Minhah and Arvit, yet it is considered 'hasidout' (going above and beyond what is required) to pray both Minhah and Arvit, but she is not obligated to say the psalm of LaMenaseah and Korbanot and it wouldbe sufficient to say Shemonah Esreh only.

**BH all are invited tomorrow morning, Thursday May 30th to hear Rabbi Chaimoff speak about the most important task in life:
 Being sensitive to others. 
77 Radnor road off of Bakerhill road . 
10:00 breakfast and 10:15 class.. Hope to see you!**

22 Sivan 5773
Shabbat Mevarekhim Hodesh Tamuz Parashat Shelah

Hadlakat Nerot NY 8:01m
Mossai Shabbat 9:10pm
Rabbenu Tam 9:33pm

1. (part b) also on Shabbat and Yom Tov a woman is obligated to pray at least one of the three- Shaharit, Minhah, Arvit.

**I sincerely apologize that due to technical issues with my computer, I had not been able to send emails daily. BH hopefully we will resume better than normal from now on :)

For a Devar Torah on the Parashah, please visit www.flyingsoul-o.com

Shabbat Shalom uMevorakh!


MidrESHET Hayil 
  The Daily Companion for the Sephardi Woman
  -Smile Eshet Hayil! :D

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