The Daily Companion for the Sephardi Woman

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

A Few Sefirot Closer to Becoming an Eshet Hayil

9 Iyar 5773

Shabbat Kodesh Parashat Aharei Mot- Kedoshim

Hadlakat Nerot NY 7:20pm
Mossai Shabbat 8:24pm
Rabbenu Tam 8:52pm

Day Three of Week Four-Tiferet of Nessah-Compassion within Endurance

"Healthy endurance, directed to develop good qualities and modifying bad ones, will always be compassionate. The compassion of endurance reflects a most beautiful quality of endurance: an enduring commitment to help another grow. Endurance without compassion is misguided and selfish. Endurance needs to be not just loving to those who deserve love, but also compassionate to the less fortunate. Does my determination compromise my compassion for others? Am I able to rise above my ego and empathize with my competitors? Am I gracious in victory?

Exercise for the day: Be patient and listen to someone that usually makes you impatient."

For a Devar Torah on the Parashah, please visit www.flyingsoul-o.com

11 Iyar 5773

Day Five of Week 4: Hod of Netzach-Humility within Endurance

"Yielding (to give in) - which is a result of humility - is an essential element of enduring. Standing fast can sometimes be a formula for destruction. The oak, lacking the ability to bent in the hurricane, is uprooted. The reed, which yields to the wind, survives without a problem. Do I know when to yield, out of strength not fear? Why am I often afraid to yield?

Exercise for the day: When you awake, acknowledge G-d for giving you a soul with the extraordinary power and versatility to endure despite trying challenges. This will allow you to draw energy and strength for the entire day."

--we must be humble enough to acknowledge that our strength comes from HaShem, this is what allows us to endure.

12 Iyar 5773

Day Six of Week 4: Yesod of Netzach-Bonding within Endurance

"Bonding is an essential quality of endurance. It expresses your unwavering commitment to the person or experience you are bonding with, a commitment so powerful that you will endure all to preserve it. Endurance without bonding will not endure.

Exercise for the day: To ensure that your new resolution should endure, bond with it immediately. This can be assured by promptly actualizing your resolution in some constructive deed.


13 Iyar 5773
Tonight is Pesah Sheni (Devar Torah to follow beli neder)
Tonight is also the Hiloulah of Rabbi Meir Baal HaNess, daven and give Sedakah in his zekhout!! Eloha deRebbi Meir Anenou!

There is a young girl from our community who is in desperate need of a heart surgery. Her family is trying to gather 1,000 people to read Perek Yud Gimel (13) of Tehillim 13 times TODAY in zekhout of the Refouah of
Ruchama Sara Miryam b-t Tamar.  Please email
1being1heart@gmail.com with the subject 'Be Part Of Her Cure' to join.  Todah Rabbah!!

Day 28 - Malchout of Nessah: Nobility in Endurance
Sovereignty is the cornerstone of endurance. Endurance that encompasses the previous six qualities is indeed a tribute and testimony to the majesty of the human spirit.
Is my endurance dignified? Does it bring out the best in me? When faced with hardships do I behave like a king or queen, walking proudly with my head up, confident in my G-d-given strengths, or do I cower and shrivel up in fear?

Exercise for the day: Fight for a dignified cause.


One PESAH SHENI Closer to Becoming an Eshet Hayil

14 Iyar 5773
Today is Pesah Sheni!!
Today is also the Hiloula/Yahrzeit of Rabbi Meir Baal HaNess, daven, light a candle and give Sedakah in his zekhout!!!

We want to recite Tehillim this Friday for the iluy Neshamah of a dear friend's grandfather. If you would like to join, text 516 241 2034 to recite Tehillim for the iluy Neshamah of Mordechai ben Yitzchak. Tizku leMissvot Rabbot!

Pesah Sheni occurs today, on 14 Iyar, 30 days after Pesah in Nisan. The origin for this hag is in the midbar when a group of people from Benei Yisrael were prohibited from bringing Korban Pesah either because they were tameim, impure, or because they lived a far distance away. They asked Moshe Rabbenu what they could do to compensate for the Korban Pesah. HaKadosh Barukh Hu instructs Moshe Rabbenu to create a holiday called Pesah Sheni where anybody who had been tameim or who lived far away was given a second chance to come and bring a Korban.

As we learn, no matter how impure or how distant a person may be from HaShem, everybody is given a second chance to bring a korban, to become close, to Him. Likewise, no matter how impure or how far away we may be feeling from HaShem, we now have the opportunity to become more karov, closer to HaShem, right here, right now. Here is our second chance, let's make it worthwhile! In this zekhout may we be able to bring Korban Pesah itself in the Beit HaMikdash, Amen!
PS, Today we have the minhag to eat Massah on Pesah Sheni. Enjoy!

15 Iyar 5773

Day Two of Week 5- Gevourah of Hod-Discipline within Humility

"Humility must be disciplined and focused. When should my humility cause me to compromise and when not?....

Another aspect of gevurah of hod: Humility must include respect and awe for the person or experience you stand humble for. If my humility is wanting, is it because I don't respect another?

Exercise for the day: Focus in on your reluctance in any given area to see if it originates from a healthy, humble place."


MidrESHET Hayil 
  The Daily Companion for the Sephardi Woman
  -Smile Eshet Hayil! :D

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