BH Today is Rosh Hodesh Sivan! Sivan is the third of the twelve months of the Jewish calendar. It is the month in which HaShem came to Har Sinai and gave the Torah HaKedoshah to Benei Yisrael. Though Sivan is itself the third month of the year, the letter associated with it is the letter zayin (ז ), whose numerical value is 7. In terms of its shape, the letter zayin is made up of a letter vav with a crown attached to its head. This represents the crown that every Neshamah of the Benei Yisrael received at Matan Torah. The value of the word 'crown' (כֶּתֶר ) is 620, and the text of the Aseret HaDibrot, The Ten Commandments, given at Har Sinai contains exactly 620 letters. Our true crown, our inherent majesty, comes from none other than the Torah HaKedoshah.
Both numbers, 3 and 7, are referred to by Haza''l as 'beloved'. The number 3 represents the intellectual realm and 7 the lower, emotive realm. This Hodesh, we must sync both our minds and our hearts together in unison to serve HaKadosh Barukh Hu and accept His Torah and Missvot completely, be'KHOL levavunu, with our ENTIRE hearts and minds, not just halfheartedly or halfmindedly. This is what renders us fitting for Matan Torah.
Be'Ezrat HaShem Yitbarakh, may this be a Hodesh filled with Simhah, Berakhah and Kabalat Ol Malkhut Shamayim. May we reach the highest levels of Kedushah and be fully prepared to accept the Torah HaKedoshah with our ENTIRE minds and hearts. Hodesh Sivan Tov uMevorakh! Kol Tuv!
MidrESHET Hayil
Remember Ya'aleh veYavo in Amidah and Birkat HaMazon :)
(For those who say Hallel, we say Hessi/'Half' Hallel)
Shabbat Kodesh Parashat Bamidbar
Hadlakat Nerot NY 7:42 pm
Mossai Shabbat 8:49pm
Rabbenu Tam 9:14pm
BH Today is Rosh Hodesh Sivan! Sivan is the third of the twelve months of the Jewish calendar. It is the month in which HaShem came to Har Sinai and gave the Torah HaKedoshah to Benei Yisrael. Though Sivan is itself the third month of the year, the letter associated with it is the letter zayin (ז ), whose numerical value is 7. In terms of its shape, the letter zayin is made up of a letter vav with a crown attached to its head. This represents the crown that every Neshamah of the Benei Yisrael received at Matan Torah. The value of the word 'crown' (כֶּתֶר ) is 620, and the text of the Aseret HaDibrot, The Ten Commandments, given at Har Sinai contains exactly 620 letters. Our true crown, our inherent majesty, comes from none other than the Torah HaKedoshah.
Both numbers, 3 and 7, are referred to by Haza''l as 'beloved'. The number 3 represents the intellectual realm and 7 the lower, emotive realm. This Hodesh, we must sync both our minds and our hearts together in unison to serve HaKadosh Barukh Hu and accept His Torah and Missvot completely, be'KHOL levavunu, with our ENTIRE hearts and minds, not just halfheartedly or halfmindedly. This is what renders us fitting for Matan Torah.
Be'Ezrat HaShem Yitbarakh, may this be a Hodesh filled with Simhah, Berakhah and Kabalat Ol Malkhut Shamayim. May we reach the highest levels of Kedushah and be fully prepared to accept the Torah HaKedoshah with our ENTIRE minds and hearts. Hodesh Sivan Tov uMevorakh! Kol Tuv!
For an AMAZING INSPIRING MUST READ Devar Torah on the Parashah, definitely visit (You don't know what you're missing!!)
!!שבת שלום וחודש סיון טוב ומבורך
Shabbat Shalom uMevorakh ve Hodesh Sivan Tov uMevorakh!!!!
The Daily Companion for the Sephardi Woman
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